Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nancy visits St. Louis, MO

This weekend Nancy spoke at Faith Family Church, spent time with the girls at the
St. Louis home and even had time to catch up with a former resident from
several years back at Starbucks!


~Lisa, Scot, & Tim said...

Hi Nancy! It's great to hear about your visit to the St. Louis home and to see those serving on the staff there. How awesome!

Erin said...

I actually was glad to see this video. I have a friend in the St. Louis home right now that I call every week to encourage her to keep pressing into God. I was also happy to see Tonya because I read about her in the Mercy Moves Mountains book so it was nice to see who she really was.

Anonymous said...

Awww..this is so great! I love that I can see the home again and some of the staff and even the changes on the walls!! You guys are awesome!!